Tuesday, December 9, 2014

How to cope with QA Fatigue

How to cope with QA Fatigue

It is nearly the end of another year and I am asking the question “where has the past 12 months gone?”  It seems that the older that I get, the faster the years are passing.  Another thing that I am feeling and also seeing in others, is the cumulative effects of the year’s workload from both an emotional and physical aspect.

What is QA Fatigue?  HACCP-Mentor-QA-Fatigue

This is when QA managers are feeling not just only tired, but inarguably exhausted.  From a QA perspective, it is often the case that you may be solely responsible for documenting, implementing and reviewing the HACCP food safety system, running training sessions for food handlers, co-ordinating the external audit process, verifying HACCP records, closing out corrective actions, reviewing suppliers, coordinating product testing, developing new products, liaising with major customer QA departments, managing business relationships and generally just making sure that the food business you work for meets all its regulatory requirements.

Signs of QA fatigue

You may be suffering from QA fatigue if you are:
  • Grumpier – you may ‘snap’ at your colleagues and family members more readily
  • Distracted – you may find it hard to focus and achieve a set outcome.
  • Overwhelmed – you may feel teary or react emotionally to comments or situations that you would normally easily cope with.

5 tips for avoiding QA fatigue

Different people cope with fatigue in different ways. There are a few different strategies that I have implemented over the past few years that definitely help with my own end-of-year QA fatigue.  Some of my strategies are implemented throughout the year where some a specific to the end of the year.
  • Be organised – having a clear plan and a clean desk helps keep me focused.  Knowing what I am going to achieve for a given day or week allows me to see an end point.  This includes shopping for Christmas presents and preparing for the holiday season.
  • Say NO – just say ‘no’ to projects that are going to add massive workload and stress to your plate at this time of the year.  If you can comfortably manage the extra work on top of your daily work – great – but if not, be realistic with your available time and say no.  I learnt a few years ago to not undertake audits in December after major issues were identified. The audit outcome resulted in me having to drive 2-hours each way every week for the next 6 weeks. It really did put a dampener on my summer break.


  • Celebrate the achievements of the year – take half an hour out of your day to write down everything that you have achieved in the past 12 months.  This activity alone can make you feel more positive.
  • Have a technology ban – If you usually check emails, take calls or deal with issues outside of your work-hours put a 24 -28 hour ban on yourself.  I have had a ‘Saturday’ work and computer ban in place this year and it is amazing how much just one day a week has made a difference to my overall well-being.
  • Take a break – for some people, all that is needed is a break away from your work-place, a time to rejuvenate.  It could be as little as 2 hours a day or an extended holiday.  In Australia, it is summer over December, January and February.  I enjoy heading down to the beach for a few hours each day just so I can swim in the surf and lay around in the sun and relax.

One last thought

If you are feeling more than just the ‘general’ QA fatigue, please consult your doctor.  How are you feeling? Do you suffer from end-of-year QA fatigue? Share your coping strategies by leaving a comment below this post.

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